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A&D 106 Computer Problems

Tessellation examples

Escher,Maurits Cornelis Escher,Maurits Cornelis Escher,Maurits Cornelis
Smaller and Smaller wd engr,wdct,b and brn, prtd from 4 blks, 380x380cm, 1956 964381 Circle Limit IV(Heaven and Hell) wdct,b and ocher,prtd from 2 blks,diam 416cm ,1960 964383 Fish wdct,3 gray-grn tn, prtd from 3 blks, 507x384cm; 1941 964389
Escher,Maurits Cornelis Escher,Maurits Cornelis Escher,Maurits Cornelis
Sun and Moon 1948 woodcut in blue, red, yellow and black, printed from 4 blocks


Sky and Water I 1938 woodcut


Link to the official M.C.Escher page:

Link to The author and designer of the site is David Annal who lives in Mitcham, a suburb of London.